Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Week 2 Recaps
Welcome back everyone, hope everyone enjoyed their week off from OT but it’s time to get back to work and see what your team really has this season.  We got 3 teams that are unbeaten and 3 that are winless and 2 in the middle.  Teams on top, don’t get too confident and teams on the bottom, don’t get down.  No one has really separated themselves as dominant yet and there is enough talent on all teams to lose at anytime, look what the Grizzles did.  The jury’s still out on ALL teams.

Fast forward to 2:40 mark to witness E.Wang aka Asian Paul Pierce Buzzer Beater !!!  

It's not about speed OVERTIMERS!
NYCE vs UN(NYCE 53 – UN 52)
After pulling out a win last week NYCE’s looked to make it two in a row with a new revamped roster against a better than expected UN team looking to start a win streak after squeaking out a 6 pt win vs SMP.  UN would lose a little size with Vick Manocha out of the lineup for this one
NYCE’s two new additions led them this week as Eddie Wang had 17 pts and 10 reb and Mike Kim chipped in 12 pts and 5 ast.  They led a balanced attack to go along with the other 3 contributing in a big way.
Mike Song gets his 2nd double-double of the season with 19 pts and 11 reb along with ex-bomb squad teammate Kenny Jang came up with 11 pts 3 reb 3 ast to try to help mitigate the absence of Vick Manocha.
In what was a somewhat sloppy game with both teams combining for 30 TOs.  It would turn out to be a great finish.  With NYCE down and less than 2 seconds on the clock, Eddie Wang would take a cross court inbounds pass from Mike Kim, step to the right and drain a long 2 pt jumper to pull out the one point win.  To see it for yourself, check the highlights.  No finishing games problems with this team unlike the Big 3 in Miami.  This loss will sting for UN but if and when they build chemistry and have their full squad, they might be a problem.

RF vs SMP 61-36(RF 61 – SMP 36)
Both teams entered this game looking for their first win of the season as both teams were competitive last week but fell a little short in the end.  However, this is a new week and an opportunity to right the ship.
Royal Flush was led by Mark Lee’s 26 pts 8 reb on an efficient 11-17 from the field as he had himself a nice rebound game coming off last week’s performance.  Danny Lee also contributed a nice all around game with 10 pts 5 reb 3 ast.  
Semi-Pro uses a balanced scoring attack and this week Walter Ro dropped in 12 to lead the team in the scoring column.  Andrew Park finished a point shy of a double-double as he finished with 9 pts and 11 reb, in what would’ve been his second straight double-double.
Royal Flush would make adjustments to their game plan and look to speed up the game, Semi-Pro would continue to play the same way they did in their first game without adjustments and they struggled against the veteran RF team.  Playing faster gave RF a lot more possessions as evidenced by the 20 more shots than SMP.  Can’t score without shooting.  Statisically speaking, this game should have been a lot closer however SMP took 1 FT and went 0-1 from the line compared to 7-12 for RF.  SMP has solid supporting players but they might be lacking that one star player\go to scorer.

HTB vs EL8 (EL8 56 – HTB 47)
Hot Brothers would look to bounce back after a tough loss vs ISO in their previous game but showed that they can hang with the top teams.  Elite 8 would try to build momentum after knocking off defending champs Royal Flush and put the league on notice that there are really Elite.
David Ri would lead Hot Brothers with an all around solid game with 17 pts 7 reb 4 ast.  Peter Song is quickly becoming a nice complement to Dave as he dropped in 12 pts.  They could be like Batman and Robin but they’ll needs wins before that can happen.
Elite 8 was once again led by Jake “The Snake” Choi with 15 pts 4 ast 3 reb.  Jack Ma would help Jake in the scoring department with 14 pts 4 reb of his own.  Sean Zhang also gave them a nice game with 7 pts 9 reb 2 blk.
Shooting comes back to haunt HTB again this week as they shot 2-12 from 3 and 3-8 from the charity stripe.  A couple of 3s and some FTs more and this definitely isn’t a 9 pt loss, maybe OT and maybe a win, can’t leave free points out there especially when the EL8 goes 10-11 from the line.   EL8 also used their size and length all the way to a 32-21 advantage on the glass.   If EL8 can find the right chemistry they will be a very dangerous team.

ISO vs HLO(ISO 66 – HLO 51)
You could argue that DB Isonation stole a win in week 1 but it’s also a new team looking to build chemistry, so the true measure will be the next few weeks.  After putting up a fight last week against Team NYCE without George Chan.  This team showed potential once they had him back and a win against ISO would be a big statement.
ISO is a pick your poison type of team.  This week it was James Choi with 21 pts 6 reb 5 ast and Rommel Dolar with 14 pts 4 reb 3 ast as both had great all around games.  Try to stop one and someone else will burn you.
HLO got their main weapon back in George Chan and it paid instant dividends as he finished with 21 pts 6 reb 5 ast and got some help from Kevin Chin with 13 pts 5 reb 2 ast.  The supporting cast has potential which we may not have seen yet.
ISO may not have had an answer for George Chan but then again you don’t really need an answer defensively if you shoot 12-26 from 3 as a team.  This game played out pretty evenly but hitting 9 more 3s than the other team will most likely get you the win.  HLO has the talent to compete but might have had bad luck running into an on fire ISO team.

-Mr. Squirrel-

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