Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Which team will win this season?
December 3rd, 2010... Just another day on the calendar?

Not quite. For the 6 teams participating in the inaugural edition of CK Sports Overtime Basketball,  December 3rd represents the tip-off of what promises to be an amazing season of hoops. The schedule is set, and the action is sure to be intense. Blood, sweat, and tears will be shed. Stars will be born. Nicknames will be earned. Rivalries will be renewed. And, a select few will elevate their games to a level reserved for the legends.

So, beyond all the hype, what can you expect from CK Sports Basketball? Well, games will consist of two 22 minute halves, with running time until the last 2 minutes of the second half. We'll have two of the best refs in the biz calling the fouls and making sure you don't hold the ball longer than the 30-seconds allowed by the shot clock. There will be 8 regular season games followed by single elimination playoffs. And, expect to hit the court sporting fresh unis featuring NBA and NCAA-style color schemes.

Your favorite shirt is ?
Check out the schedule and circle your team's most anticipated match-ups. Designed by the creative genius, ML8, the schedule features a multitude of must-see games. (Holla at us Adobe! We need some sponsorship dough!)

Yep, our first season is shaping up to be truly special. Like Blake Griffin, we're coming out of the gate fast and only plan on getting bigger and better (scary, I know). I'm not sure about you, but I'm ready.

See you December 3rd. P.s. - Come at 8pm for our Opening Ceremony!

Written by Bryant "007" Picone
Overtime Editor-in-chief


  1. hahahah very well written Picone. Good Luck to my man Chris "Under Armor" Youn and James "Balbir" Choi!

  2. favorite shirt is orange! love the fancy shmancy schedule!!!

  3. hahahaha he called you Balbir, hahahah. If James Choi does a between the leg dribble more than 2 times in a row...please sub immediately.

  4. Ton called you JBC OMG...December 1, 2010 at 2:43 PM

    2KChump will once again showcase his skills by pressing R2 + L2 + All 4 buttons + Analog Button ! Excited !!

  5. i am so excited for this league. this is revolutionary. there's no other asian leagues in queens, i think this will be the start of something great!

  6. New category requested for Stats..
    Who will lead in Look-Off this year?
    ahem... 2KC...

  7. wowow yoo eddie house, y u tryna start beef wit my teammate??

  8. Jersey Dan's Good Friend -THDecember 1, 2010 at 2:57 PM

    How come Jersey Dan isn't playing ... I don't even see Joe Chin's name on any of the rosters. He has nothing to be afraid of!

  9. He said he's too busy taking care of business at the Hu residence while Tony is not there.

  10. Thanks, Tone.

    I was going to mention how that legendary status was reserved for you, but decided against it in light of your humble nature.

  11. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL these comments r funnyyyyyyyyyy

  12. If danny lee is not playing..will there anyone that hits the deck this season?

  13. I am tired of Joe CHin getting all the credit.i Was the orginator of Danny Lee foundation.The first one to make him fall.

  14. He never hit the deck in the first place.

  15. i never dunked on anyone. why is my name appearing on this blog?

  16. Is Mike Kim playing in this league? I heard he used to be good, but I recently saw him play and he missed like 14 layups.

  17. Professor X AssistantDecember 3, 2010 at 5:37 PM

    Although he steps on the 3 point line every time he shoots, he went 3 for 8 from downtown the other day.

  18. Balbir, yes you have dunked on someone before. The dunk was called "BOX" and 1.
